
General Rant

It's funny how you seem to write your best work only when you're sad or upset..atleast that's the way it is with me.

It's funny how life will hand things to you with a pinch of salt and sugar, but at no point of time is the quantity the same.. There's never an equal measure of the good with the bad. It's either freakishly bad or amazingly good. That's what makes life so interesting, i guess. It can give you the biggest high when things are going your way and be the best experience you can ask for. But bring in the bad, and it rolls in reallly good.

We as humans are never satisfied with what we have or what we get. It's "human nature" to want more. But what is more? How much is too much to ask for? There has to be a line you draw for yourself where you say to yourself, " Yeah..i think i'm good and happy with this." Very rarely, do you come across an individual who says that.

The flip side to being content is that you'll never strive for more.. or atleast you'd never think about it. Which is a form of stagnation, i'd say. Wanting more is not a crime. That's what life is all about. Experiencing EVERYTHING. living it up. If you don't want more, you won't get more.

But then again.. wanting more leads to needing more which leads to not knowing when to stop..and the cycle goes on. *phew*

But that's how life is.. and now i'm being repetetive, and so shall stop.

Till the next rant.

Yours truly,



Anonymous said...

Very succinct, and very profound.

- Anonymous Fan

S Balaji Srinivasan said...

stumbled upon this page by chance.
nice post!! loved it...
deeply philosophical-as it should be...

sharanya said...

# balaji- thanks!: )

sharanya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Madurai citizen said...

nice one....

Anonymous said...

stupid cycles! even when you're truly happy and content, there's this sneery little voice at the back of your head telling you to enjoy it while it lasts!

G said...

"It's funny how you seem to write your best work only when you're sad or upset..atleast that's the way it is with me."

this is true :) except the products of those never make it to the blog.

and yes, the cycles suck. i'm pretty sure better things have come since then :]

prateeksha said...

i agree... i wish we knew when to stop... *sigh*