

it's times like this when you really wonder why there isn't some sort of force that could just give you the answers to all your questions...i mean you almost always have someone right there when u need to get certain questions clarified. what i am referring to is the most FAQ- who are we really and what is the point behind our existence(i know i know..questions of a very confused teenager..but its true).i have spent nights pondering over these very questions.
..everyone says "everything happens for a reason" and "there is something waiting for us later on"(well not quite those words but something to that effect)...and of course u talk yourself into believing that(atleast on a suc conscious level) but little do we realise that its just the same as it was before..everythings just the same.
coming back to the issue at hand, where are we all going!??! yeah we as students have to study and go on to gain a whole list of achievements in order to actually "make it in this world" but at the end of it all...is it really worth it?? yes there is the monetary satisfaction and probably a bit of self satisfaction and all that but does all that REALLY matter-not in the material world but in our very own little worlds.

1 comment:

Arjun Sukumaran said...

I am just a local fellow, and some of this stuff is quite over my head. But it seems to me that where you're going is determined more or less by how you get there, if that makes any sense at all...