

Through her eyes you could see,
What she had been through.
The person you never thought she'd be;
She was the girl who never knew
That she was a gem from up above.

With her head hanging low,
She walks around with a cloud above her.
You could almost feel it pour out of her,
Never knowing all the while that,
You were an actor in the life of Mary Sue.

Call out her name
Only to get a vow of silence;
You're just another pawn in her game,
A game no one knew the name of.

What a way to go,
Without anyone by her side.
She took a leap and a final bow.
And yet you never knew that all the while
You were an actor in the life of Mary Sue.


wandering mind

15th March,2007. It is exactly 11:10 pm on this stuffy, dark night. The screen is blurry and hazy. It's not the lack of sleep that's taking over. It's something one cannot even begin to fathom. It's something i cannot possibly describe on something so unimaginative.

Spheres, big and small, drop..plit-plot-plit-plot..drop till they flop into the emptiness of it all. Maybe they can understand what it's like,maybe they know what i'm talking about...

Or will they?

Answers no one can provide. Answers that seem logical enough but aren't practical. Things may not always morph into what you want them to be, yet there's no harm trying.

And they continue..plit-plot-plit-plot..