
wandering mind

15th March,2007. It is exactly 11:10 pm on this stuffy, dark night. The screen is blurry and hazy. It's not the lack of sleep that's taking over. It's something one cannot even begin to fathom. It's something i cannot possibly describe on something so unimaginative.

Spheres, big and small, drop..plit-plot-plit-plot..drop till they flop into the emptiness of it all. Maybe they can understand what it's like,maybe they know what i'm talking about...

Or will they?

Answers no one can provide. Answers that seem logical enough but aren't practical. Things may not always morph into what you want them to be, yet there's no harm trying.

And they continue..plit-plot-plit-plot..


Sthupit Girl said...

Funny, how something like this (sad, abstract) can make one smile.

Well written.

Hope alls well,

'forever sthupitly.

Zombie C said...

Eat chocolate and be happy :D

Harry... said...

sleep well..gn sd tc!!!

U said...

mine goes ding dong ding dong

sharanya said...

*dhruva: thanks, dude. i try my best. but sounds that could be answers?! hmm..something to think about.

*jagan: what goes ding dong ding dong!?

Sruthi said...

sounds like something from watchmen! have you read it?

sharanya said...

watchmen!? nope.. by whom?

Shirshendu Mukherjee said...

I seem to identify with this, but then I seem to not.
At times, the haze seems to expand, or contract, pulsate, even.
But the answers do not seem to matter anymore. That one exists, is what seems to gnaw the most. Maybe it's all a dream.
But as you said, there's no harm in trying.

Arjun Rangarajan said...

interesting :)